“Quelque part ailleurs”
A visit to The White House Gallery is inseparable from one’s admiration of the unique landscape in which the gallery is located. Yet this is not the purpose of your journey, but rather the art indoors. From within the stately villa one gains, through the different orientations of the windows and from the terraces, yet another impression of the park landscape. However much you focus upon the art, the experience of nature can never be excluded. One way or another, the landscape also sneaks inside. You are in the exhibition, but also elsewhere. It is through this experience that the exhibition took shape. Artists who use their own language to move us, to take us to somewhere else. Mathias Casaer (B) departs from topographical images to create his landscapes, which he transforms into other geographical elements. Elise Berkvens (B) creates sites from an abstraction, and the work sucks the viewer in. With just a few pen strokes, Klaus Verscheure (B) draws landscapes and houses that, in addition to the paradisiacal, also have something mysterious and menacing about them. Armelle Caron (F) cuts up cities in order to reorder them, and even the world. For many, it is also a dream, somewhere different from our familiar spot. A poetic and esoteric idea that is shaped by art.
Jan Leysen