Current & Upcoming

Hilde Overbergh

Cheer the Sum and Celebrate the Parts

Isabel Fredeus

Fungal Affair

Past Exhibitions


Stefan Serneels

Verdacht licht

Anton Cotteleer

A shade of pale blankets

Patrick Keulemans

Two places, one language

Denitsa Todorova

Voice in the wilderness

Heide Hinrichs

Red offering

Caroline Coolen

Sol perturbé

Ilse D'Hollander

Early works

Charlotte Lybeer


Charif Benhelima

Hilde Overbergh

Reframed & Void

Hadassah Emmerich

Contre - jour

Group show

Group show

Greet Van Autgaerden

Point of view

Group show

A reality twist

Patrick Keulemans

The multilingual point
Chaussée de Charleroi, 54 1060 Brussels
+32 473 391 478
Opening April 20,2024
Open Thu,Fri,Sat 1-6 PM