Current & Upcoming

Hilde Overbergh

Cheer the Sum and Celebrate the Parts

Isabel Fredeus

Fungal Affair

Past Exhibitions


Greet Van Autgaerden

Anton Cotteleer

Call it escapes and flashes

Joke Hansen & Maxim Renard

Cutouts and found papers

Caroline Coolen

Entre Chien et Loup

Caroline Le Méhauté

Erwan Maheo

Into The Distance

Tim Volckaert

Thierry Grootaers

Let's sing another song

Lieven De Boeck

The curator is absent

Stéphanie Baechler - Sanne Vaassen

Care & Please keep this secret

Anastasia Bay - Warre Mulder

Zillion Forefathers

Haleh Redjaian


Tatjana Gerhard - Stijn Bastianen - Sarah De Vos - Simona Mihaela Stoia

The painted picture show

Anton Cotteleer

Smoke gets in your eyes

Isabel Fredeus

Cities living within

Line Boogaerts

Behind the line

Stefan Serneels

A narrative remix

Sarah Westphal


Carlos Caballero

Maria Kley

Time, after Time?
Chaussée de Charleroi, 54 1060 Brussels
+32 473 391 478
Opening April 20,2024
Open Thu,Fri,Sat 1-6 PM